The result of this seven mountain test was unexpected but it makes so much sense! My first mountain is business and if you would have told me a few months ago- I would have laugh at the inaccuracy ! But this is so on point!! It is an amazing reminder that the struggles in our life are pointing out to areas where God wants to use us powerfully, but the enemy has put a block somehow in them. This explains the desire to grow things, the creative ideas, the ability to improve concepts and apply them, the boldness in starting new things, the desire to give for projects and to see things prosper- starting with people. It did not occurred to me that this is so in tuned as well with the prophetic voice of God! He created ALL things and expanded them with the sound of His voice! So, I am encouraged today, and want to encourage you to speak, proclaim, prophesy and declare over your finances today the inheritance of the Kingdom that God has already established in your life! This is not a prosperity gospel message, but the gospel makes us prosper and we are in a season of tables being turned for the righteous to be able to fund the Kingdom business!

Posted by Yaneisy del Corral Linares at 2022-09-14 11:05:45 UTC