But you my loved ones, rise like an edifice higher and higher, praying in the Holy Spirit. Jude 20 I always think of this verse when working in Charlotte. I think we often see this scripture as using our "prayer language" but don't necessarily believe that's what Jude was talking about. From that perspective, many can feel "left out" who have not yet experienced that practice, and the kingdom is not about distance and separation. I believe "in the Holy Spirit" is a place of awareness of our oneness and identity. Jesus told the woman at the well..... "The day is now here where it no longer matters WHERE you worship, but HOW you worship. Your worship (your awareness in everyday life of your identity) must engage your spirit in the pursuit of reality." When we know who we are, we live in this awareness, and become like plants and even tall buildings. Neither of which struggle to grow and rise.

Posted by Brannon Walters at 2022-09-03 15:30:02 UTC