I painted this on the left on March. The picture on the right is by Amy Rylander posted this week. Let’s continue to pray for our nation for mercy! “COVENANT ROOT OF MERCY I saw the United States as a tree. Through intercession the bowls of prayers are being tipped and it is causing a resurrection of the apostolic anointing of our nation. The Lord has mantled this nation as a fathering and sending nation.The tree looked like a burning bush as the fire of awakening was spreading across the land. The burning bush represents the voice the Lord, the instruction of the Lord, the presence of the Lord , and the signs and wonders of the Lord. The Lord's voice will become loud and clear to His people. The Lord is resurrecting our covenant root of MERCY as a result the intercessors repairing the breach in our land.” Amy Rylander Art #Glory2God #amyrylanderart #propheticart #Hiswaysarehigher #pouringout #WorshipTheLord #AmyRylander #HisGlory #spiritandtruth #amyrylanderartwork #propheticartist #Helovesyou #worshipthelord #amyrylander #SpiritAndTruth #prophetic #intercession #IntercessoryPrayer #intercessor
Posted by Yaneisy del Corral Linares at 2023-05-05 11:19:12 UTC