Praising God for major blessings that simultaneously happened on April 29th, 2023, celebrating: 🇮🇱 Partnership between MISSION ISRAEL and AGAPE LOVE MINISTRIES, launching Evangelistic tours to Israel, under the overseeing of World Mission Go's leadership. Evangelistic tours, starting November 2, 2023, from 10 Latin American countries, connecting through Miami, FL. 🇰🇪MISSION AFRICA. The 16th church planting in Kitali, KENYA, under World Mission Go's partner ZEA PENTECOSTAL church. "The Lord opened so many doors for the new church in a Muslim community that one Muslim received Christ and donated a plot to build the new church. We got so many concerts and the church was launched." Pastor J. Atamu. 🇺🇲GO CENTRE. Healing of the Nations prayer and Worship. Celebrating the launching of the "Kingdom Servant leaders" bi-monthly prayer, worship and testimonies gathering, connecting 70 nations in the five continents. 🇲🇽 MISSIONS AMERICAS. Celebrating graduation of the Doctorate degrees in Theology (PHD) of our leadership team members, Raymundo TOLEDO and Marie BROYHILL in Winston Salem, NC, from the Iglesia de Luz de Jesucristo Theological University, Mexicali, MEXICO. Jesus is LORD❗❗❗ PRAY.INTERCEDE.WORSHIP.TESTIFY
Posted by Armando Perdomo at 2023-04-30 05:16:53 UTC