Scenes from Israel Part 8 al-Aqsa Mosque (We are now on the Temple Mount, the holiest site in the Scriptures and a flashpoint in the Israeli-Arab conflict. Who possesses sovereignty over this mountain is extremely controversial, and this site can be very tense. This mosque was built shortly after the foundation of Islam in the 7th century. It's been destroyed twice by earthquakes in 746 and 1033, and rebuilt.) Dome of the Rock (This is a Muslim shrine, not a mosque. Built in the 7th century on the site of the former Jewish temples, this is the very center of the conflict. Someday the Lord Jesus will reign from his temple on this mountain.) Sun over the Dome of the Rock Olive branches on the Temple Mount The Golden Gate (This gate faces the Mount of Olives, where Jesus will return. Some say this gate is where Jesus entered Jerusalem, and where he will enter yet again to reign. It was sealed in the 12th century by the Muslim ruler of Jerusalem, perhaps to prevent the Messiah from entering. Will Jesus one day walk through these gates again?)

Posted by Philip Arndt at 2022-12-01 14:23:03 UTC