Americans are grateful people. We thank people for the simple things in life like holding a door open, waving us through traffic at a four-way stop sign, allowing us to slip ahead in a long line at the grocery store. Just think about the number of times you say “Thank You” during a busy day. Tomorrow, on Thanksgiving Day, I propose a few “thank yous” to consider, reflect upon, and discuss with your children, relatives, and friends on this uniquely American holiday – a day of giving thanks for all our blessings. Thank you to our Founding Fathers for creating this wonderful experiment in democracy so that we could live free in the greatest country our world has ever known. Thank you to our ancestors and all the pioneers who opened this vast land of opportunity for us through sacrifice, sheer determination, sweat, and grit, and who never gave up on the American dream. Thank you to the Greatest Generation who fought to secure our freedom from communism and taught us to honor the American flag and all she stands for. Thank you to the men and women who’ve worn our country’s uniforms to defend our liberties and ensure our peace, prosperity, and pursuit of happiness. Thank you to the police officers, firefighters, and other first responders who keep our communities safe. Thank you to the clergy and other religious leaders who help guide us and strengthen our souls. Thank you to all the small business owners who took the risk of entrepreneurship, followed their dreams, and serve us every day. Thank you to the great teachers and coaches who instruct and inspire our children, grandchildren, and all young people throughout America. Thank you to all the patriotic leaders throughout our country, from our mayors, sheriffs, city council members, county commissioners, and other municipal officials who work nonstop on behalf of our neighborhoods and communities. Thank you to the parents who raise their children to be kind, to think for themselves, to honor their elders, to respect others, and to love their country. Thank you in particular to the mothers across America who’ve shown us how to fight for the innocent and vulnerable. And, fathers too, helping build character and compassion. Thank you for true friendships that see us through the darkest of days. Thank you for new friends that come into our lives when we need them most. Thank you for the freedom-loving patriots who boost our energy and bolster our resolve to battle on. And thank you, God, for my family, the laughter of my children, the smiles of my grandchildren, the beauty of this country, the wisdom to think forward, and the strength to carry on. Yes, Americans are truly grateful people. In challenging times as these and on this Thanksgiving Day, we Americans will continue to let kindness, understanding, compassion, and gratitude guide our path forward. I wish you and your loved ones the blessings of spending time together feasting on turkey and all the fixings, connecting with one another through family traditions, joining together in laughter over funny family tales, and creating the happiest of memories to last generations. Thank You and God Bless America. General Flynn's Signature Lt. General Michael T. Flynn, USA (Ret.) Board Chair of America’s Future, Inc.

Posted by Shari Clark at 2022-11-24 02:44:33 UTC