Most weeds are extinguished from gardens as unsightly, and bothersome to the whole of the landscape. However these very same weeds can carry inspiration, beauty, life lessons, and even health properties. I once saw myself as a weed, but thanks be to God who hears the cry of an honest heart looking for truth. Food for thought: Some of us come up naturally looking and smelling like roses, while others of us may look and act more like weeds. Let's be mindful that our Heavenly Father adopts needy weedy ones, and makes them kings and priests in His Kingdom. Perhaps there are some rose-types who need to be removed from our life gardens, while there may be needy weedy-like people, who we need to adopt into our lives today... Blessings!

Posted by Lorina, The Art Smart Lady at 2022-08-17 17:13:15 UTC