YOUR STORY. GOD'S GLORY. Spoken by Andy Clapp on a recent program. I can't get those words out of my mind - not that I want to. Those words have impacted me greatly. To the point that I am ready to adopt them as the theme of the first in a series of events to be held in the Charlotte NC area starting as soon as Jan 2023. CHRISTIAN EXPO That idea came from @Doug Carter. It captures the essence of what is about - celebrating our Christian Faith. It's broad enough to showcase the diverse range of gifts that are found in the body of Christ. Would you like to be a part of organizing our first event? More importantly, is God calling you to take your walk with Christ to the next level? If so, we could use some help. We'll need speakers, musicians, organizers, workers, exhibitors, and underwriters. We're in the planning stages now. If God is speaking to your heart to get involved, I'd like to hear from you.

Posted by Coach Prasek at 2022-11-17 20:29:03 UTC