@Chad Hawley @Wendy Hawley I want to give a big thank you to you both for your obedience! What you did yesterday is the greatest expression of the Kingdom I have seen! @Chad Hawley thank you for your leadership that is centered in the Father’s heart! You carry such a strong prophetic and apostolic mantle to bring people together and launch them into the Father’s heart! So appreciate your humility, sincerity of heart and desire to see HIS Kingdom through each and one of His children and also as a whole in Jesus. You encouraged me greatly yesterday to receive the calling in my life for leadership and walk in my Kingdom given authority. We are world changers as we recognize each other in the Kingdom and empower God in each other. So thankful! Yesterday, in one word for me is resumed in: HOPE. There is hope for the church in this nation! We will shine for His glory! As we look up to Him and break out of the kingdom of “self” ❤️🦅

Posted by Yaneisy del Corral Linares at 2022-10-28 12:37:24 UTC