Who is praying for you today? Who are you praying for? Praise God for faithful intercessors! How Dr Yonggi Cho risked his life in a Muslim country for the sake of the gospel. Dr.Cho was sharing at a private meeting about his intercessory experiences. Dr.Cho said that one time he was ministering in a Muslim country. For whatever reason,though he was officially invited,he was warned not to share the Gospel by the local authorities. The stadium was full of people and the police chief in charge strongly warned him not to share the Gospel,but instead to share just good stories. He reminded Dr.Cho that converting a Muslim to Christianity in his country is capital crime,punishable by death. He said that there were many armed guards all around the podium. Wow.What would you do in such a situation? Dr.Cho prayed and went up to the podium and started his sermon by saying,“God loves you so much,He sent His only begotten Son Jesus to die on the cross for you!The only way to heaven is by accepting Him as your Lord and Savior.” He went out swing the Gospel sword with all his might.At the end of that message,all the guards and the leader of the local authorities gave their lives to Christ and became born-again. What an incredible testimony! I asked him,“Weren’t you afraid?” He smiled and told me his secret.“I have 3,000 full time intercessors praying for me around the clock fasting and crying out to God at the Prayer Mountain in Korea.” The power of God comes through their intercession! Then I realized that Dr.Cho was not running on just some spiritual battery that needs to be recharged again and again. He is totally plugged into the main power source of heaven through these intercessors. Credit: Robert OH

Posted by Yaneisy del Corral Linares at 2022-10-25 15:29:48 UTC